Juan Maldacena

Juan Maldacena

Born: September 10, 1968
Age: 56
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Juan Martín Maldacena (born September 10, 1968) is a theoretical physicist born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Among his many discoveries, the most famous one is the most reliable realization of the holographic principle - namely the AdS/CFT correspondence, the conjecture about the equivalence of string theory on Anti-de Sitter (AdS) space, and a conformal field theory defined on the boundary of the AdS space. In 2013, Maldacena co-authored an analysis of the 2012 black hole firewall paradox with Leonard Susskind, arguing that the paradox can be resolved if entangled particles are connected by minor wormholes."



Maldacena obtained his licenciatura (a 6-year degree) in 1991 at the Instituto Balseiro, Bariloche, Argentina, under the supervision of Gerardo Aldazábal. He then obtained his Ph.D. at Princeton University under the supervision of Curtis Callan in 1996, and went on to a post-doctoral position at Princeton University. In 1997, he joined Harvard University as associate professor, being quickly promoted to Professor of Physics in 1999. Since 2001 he has been a professor at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey and in 2016 became the first Carl P. Feinberg Professor of Theoretical Physics in the Institute's School of Natural Sciences.


Maldacena has received these awards:

  • Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellowship, 1998
  • Packard Fellowship in Science and Engineering, 1998
  • MacArthur Fellowship, 1999
  • UNESCO Husein Prize for Young Scientists, 1999
  • Sackler Prize in Physics, 2000
  • Xanthopoulos International Award for Research in Gravitational Physics, 2001
  • Pius XI Medal, 2002
  • Edward A. Bouchet Award of the American Physical Society, 2004
  • Dannie Heineman Prize, 2007
  • Dirac Medal, 2008
  • Pomeranchuk Prize, 2012
  • Fundamental Physics Prize, 2012.
  • Diamond Konex Award as the most important scientist in the last decade in Argentina, 2013

[ Source: Wikipedia ]

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